Known in the world of kicks culture for his forward thinking and slick dress sense, we linked up with Mr Crep Protect to find out more about his sharp style and what trends he thinks 2016 has in store.

Nice to meet you, bro! You go by a lot of names. What do we call you?

(Laughs) Let's just go with my government name for now!

2015 was a big year for you. What were your highlights?
Aah man, there are a few! We collaborated with some great charity initiatives and exhibited at Tate Britain to name a couple. It's been a very lively year, expanding the Crep Protect brand and moving in to new territories.

If I had to say one thing in particular, it'd have to be collaborating with the NBA.

J2k Style Sessions Park Bench

You're obvioulsy big into creps. We're all huge fans of Crep Protect at Footasylum, but when has Crep Protect saved your life?

It saves me every day to be honest. I spend a lot of time up and down London. so there's always a 'nearly' moment just waiting for me.

There was a particular time when I was carrying a tray of food and drink. I was doing everything I could to make sure I only had to do one trip, so naturally I tried to pile everything on in one go. The drink fell, and my reaction was to try and control it with my foot!

It wasn't a disaster, but I'd probably put that more down to my tek! (Laughs)

You've got a sick sense of style. Tell us about it!

I would say my style is clean, fresh and simple.

It's influenced by lots of things. I can be pretty lazy at times, so I generally use a long white tee with some good fitting denims as my basis, and then focus on my kicks and jacket. I like jackets more than anything, so anyone with a good jacket I tend to keep an eye on! (Laughs).

I also like mixing old and new. I'm big into old school jewellery.

J2K Style Sessions Petrol Station

You must have some fashion disaster stories from back in the day though, right?

Oh, mate! I was in a video ages ago for a song called 'Gone' by Gemma Fox. My jeans were the worst. They had different coloured panels all over them, loud and baggy as hell. I turned up to the video in them thinking it would be a good idea. Nasty!

What are you saying to the UK streetwear scene? How do you think it's different from other countries?

I much prefer streetwear to high fashion. We're really fortunate to be exposed to so many different cultures in the UK. So many dope ideas can be belnded and fused to create what I think is some of the best street style in the world. That's what makes us so different.

J2K Style Sessions Zipping Hood

We see you repping three stripes a lot these days. Where does your love for adidas stem from?

I'd say I have a deep affiliation with adidas becuase of the huge part the brand's played throughout my life.

They were always the brand of choice for my uncles, they sponsored Liverpool FC for a long time and they've always had a huge celebrity backing, from Run DMC to Pusha T. They seem to pay attention to culture a lot more than anyone else, and I really appreciate that.

The look you've put together for us is definitely your style! Talk us through it:

I'd describe it as clean, cool and manageable. It's perfect for someone who does a lot of running about in the day, but still wants to look smart in the evening.

Black jeans are always a good start to any outfit. The Y-3 kicks are street but smart at the same time, complimenting the whole outfit.

Underneath the chequered shirt, I added a smart tee to give the look some layers and so the whole thing can be switched up in an instant.

J2K Get The Look

Great to catch up, man. We can't wait to see what's in store for you and Crep Protect in 2016!