When it comes to student loans it can be tough to know what to spend it on. Student life can be a hard time when it comes to the green stuff, and if you haven’t ever had to budget before the thought dealing with all those expenses can send your head in spin. 

But some students have a very different idea of how to blow their cash and it definitely isn’t on text books. We’ve found out some of the craziest ways that students have decided to spend their loans, so you know exactly what not to do when the money comes in…

A Beer Garden

A final year student from Lincoln university, spent the summer and £800 of his student loan transforming his backyard into a beer garden and didn’t even bother to tell his house mates. 

Henry Debenham from Norfolk decided to turn the disused patio in his student digs into a pub style party area, complete with bar stools, astro turf and a BBQ.

He even kitted it out with £300 worth of booze as a surprise for his housemates. What a nice guy.     

Plastic surgery

In 2014 a student from the University of Essex, spent all £10k of her student loan on cosmetic surgery. Katerina Christodoulou from Leicestershire decided to save the money for her education and instead spend it on liposuction and implants.

While it may have got her name in the papers we don’t recommend this as an option to actually getting your degree.   


A Newcastle University student who spent the first year at uni partying every night and travelling left her completely broke. After blowing her loan on booze, clubbing and trips to other cities, Emma McCormick from Belfast ran up hundreds of pounds’ worth of debt.   

Inspired by Kanye West, she set up a GoFundMe page in an effort to clear some of her overdraft, but it’s slow going so far with only £10 raised in the two months since the page was set up.

A Dog

A writer for The Tab admitted spending their student loan on a pug. While they are pretty cute, we don’t think they will be able to help you pay the bills or help with your studies, and seeing as most student housing doesn’t allow dogs, you and your pooch could end up being evicted and degree-less. 

Now you know how not to spend your student loan, try spending it on something better value for money, head to one of Footasylum’s student nights for 20% off everything in-store or head to the student page for 10% off online now.