The closest thing you can get to Daft Punk without the robot masks, Justice have been a bit on the quiet side since 2011. Premiered on Annie Mac’s BBC Radio 1 show, ‘Safe and Sound’ is the first we’ve heard from the Parisian duo since their last album Audio, Video, Disco.

Switching from the more gritty electronic anthems of their debut, Audio, Video, Disco had much more of a 70s disco influence. Combining catchy bass guitar with swooping strings, it looks like ‘Safe and Sound’ is carrying on that theme.

Fans of Justice will also be pleased to hear that the masters of modern funk have also announced a new album is in the works, with the finishing touches being added as this is being written.

Listen to their latest and see what you think:

With a massively old school sound, this is one of those tracks that’s going to divide people into lovers and haters. But for anyone who enjoyed Justice’s 2011 LP, it’s definitely one for the summer chill out playlist.