If you haven’t caught up with the 21st century and opted for online shopping from your bed, then this is how we recommend surviving your high street wrestling arena this festive season.
1. The food pit stop

One of the best things about this time of year is the food and not caring whether your jeans are a little tight or not - we’ll worry about that in January. Tackle the shops early so by lunch time you are hangry and ready for that bratwurst and mulled wine. The well-earned food break will either revive you to carry on for an afternoon of trawling the shops or induce a food coma that only your couch can nurture.
2. Write a list

He's making a list, he's checking it twice... Don’t be that person that everyone hates. You know the one. Stood aimlessly trying to work out where to go, what to get, Greggs or Subway, do I even have my purse with me? We all know them; we all hate them. Before you set off write a list, make a plan and stick to it! You can go at your shopping centre like a true woman on a mission (or a bulldozer) and get your shopping boxed off in record time.
3. Go it alone

I know, I know. Shopping is a sociable event blah blah blah, but if you’re taking mum and nan in tow they are only going to slow you down. Nan wants to look at every fluffy jumper in M&S, mum wants to coo at clothes for the grandkids and worst of all, they’ll bump into everyone from down the social club and you’ll have your cheeks squeezed and relationship status queried at least three times. No. Not today Sharon.
4. Shop online

Get your Christmas PJs on, stick on Home Alone and shop from the comfort of your couch, or maybe your bed if it was a heavy night. In today’s day and age there isn’t much you can’t get delivered to your door so why not take advantage of it? Why not go the full hog and get a Maccies on Uber Eats, too? Festive bliss.